APRIL 10 - MAY 9, 2025
For more information about the course, Contact Pattie Porter at [email protected]
This virtual training has been taught to participants from around the globe including Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Guatemala, Iceland, Israel, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Trinidad, United Kingdom, and the United States.
This training is considered by those in attendance a "Master's Class" which is immersive and extensive. It is a licensed conflict management coaching course approved by Cinnie Noble, Founder of the CINERGY® model. Patricia "Pattie" Porter, PCC is the President of Conflict Connections, Inc. and a CINERGY Accredited Senior Trainer, Coach Mentor and Competency Assessor.
Students learn a one-on-one, 7-stage coaching process in which a coach assists people to effectively prevent or manage interpersonal disputes and to enhance their conflict management skills. It may be used before and after a conflict has arisen, or while it is in progress. This process has wide application. Conflict management coaching may be applied in organizational, family, community, and other contexts and for coaching individuals to participate in mediation, negotiation or team facilitated dialogues.
For more detailed information, CLICK HERE to read about course outcomes, methods of instruction, course materials required, continuing education, and instructor background.
Note: Class sessions are not recorded. A student can be excused for a total of 4 hours of class with 24 hours advanced notice. Those sessions can be recorded for review. Missing a class and watching the recording does not earn you ICF CEUs as you must be present during the live class to earn those hours.
Students learn a one-on-one, 7-stage coaching process in which a coach assists people to effectively prevent or manage interpersonal disputes and to enhance their conflict management skills. It may be used before and after a conflict has arisen, or while it is in progress. This process has wide application. Conflict management coaching may be applied in organizational, family, community, and other contexts and for coaching individuals to participate in mediation, negotiation or team facilitated dialogues.
For more detailed information, CLICK HERE to read about course outcomes, methods of instruction, course materials required, continuing education, and instructor background.
Note: Class sessions are not recorded. A student can be excused for a total of 4 hours of class with 24 hours advanced notice. Those sessions can be recorded for review. Missing a class and watching the recording does not earn you ICF CEUs as you must be present during the live class to earn those hours.
When: In-class sessions held on Thursdays and Fridays starting April 10, 2025.
Intercession activities with coaching partner and coach mentor held between classes
Dates: April 10 - May 9, 2025 on Zoom Platform
Class Times: 8:00 - 11:00 am PST/10:00 - 1:00 pm CST/11:00 - 2:00 pm EST
Practice Times: Coordinated between student partners and coach mentor outside of class.
Click HERE for complete in-class and practice session schedule
Regular Cost: $2300.00 USD
Registration Deadline: March 27, 2025
Registration: Complete this registration form and submit
Materials Cost: Students need to purchase the book, Conflict Management Coaching: The CINERGY Model by Cinnie Noble on Amazon (soft cover or Kindle available)
Cancellation Policy: For any cancellations received after March 27, 2025 there will
be no refund, unless a replacement is found by the applicant. There are no refunds
or partial refunds for days missed during the 4-week training period. A $150 administration fee will be charged for cancellations prior to March 26, 2025.
Approved CEUs: Up to 34 core competencies and 5 resource hours - International Coaching Federation (ICF)
CINERGY is an approved SHRM Recertification Provider. This program is valid for 30 PDCs for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
Testimonial by Rebecca Arndt, Mediator, Texas
As a Professional Certified Coach with the ICF, I am always on the lookout for effective training to continue to stretch and fine tune my skill set. Pattie’s facilitation, feedback, and mentorship were top notch and brought to life the great value of the CINERGY® Conflict Management Coaching content. She provided the space for us to be vulnerable, engage in meaningful conversations, practice our new skills, and provided us with the tools to continue challenge ourselves on our path to becoming powerful conflict coaches!
Jessica Harrington, MS, PCC
Carson Group, Dallas, Texas
Pattie Porter brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the CINERGY® Conflict Management Coaching course. I have gained invaluable insights and know-how about the CINERGY model which I intend to apply both in my coaching practice and personally. Thank you Pattie!
Sarah H., Washington, D.C.
The biggest benefit to me is gaining the skill to help people learn about themselves and learn improved conflict response. Now I can add this service to my mediation practice for those cases in which the other party declines mediation.
Janet Chance, Chance Conflict Consulting, Saratoga, CA
‘I heartily recommend the CINERGY Conflict Management Coaching course delivered by Pattie Porter and her associated coaching mentors. Pattie was superbly organised and made a particular effort to cultivate dialogue and the sharing of insights throughout the course. She also made a visible effort to vary the pace and learning tools used in this virtual course, and the results were good. I also found our coaching mentor to be thoughtful and highly professional. This was a robust, well-delivered learning experience.’
Mark Brown, Lisbon, Portugal
My expectations blown out of the water! I expected to learn a useful conflict coaching model that would be helpful in my coaching engagements. But what I got was a new framework of viewing conflict and coaching that has proved to be transformative for me and will be impactful for my clients.
Pattie has such ease with the material and the technology that the entire course was seamless from start to finish. It was a masterclass in meeting facilitation! I really benefited from how generous Pattie was with her time and expertise.
Linda Gerber, Washington, D.C.
What an excellent course! I’m so thankful to have had the chance to take the virtual training over a number of weeks. This allowed me to think more deeply about the sessions and integrate learning over a period of time. The CINERGY model is so powerful and the methodology you used to structure the training was very well done.
Nancy Retsinas, Retsinas Collaborative Law Center, Washington
I found the Cinergy Conflict Coaching training very useful, gaining complementary skills for my family law practice. I think all lawyers working in the collaborative space would benefit from this training. Pattie is amazing. She makes you feel very comfortable and at ease. She is warm and friendly and very patient and knowledgeable. I would love to be trained by her again.
Pepe Kish, Balance Family Law, Crace, Australia
The Conflict Management Coaching Virtual Training is a very comprehensive and well structured course. I found Pattie's course to be very beneficial to my professional growth. It allows me to strength my knowledge and skills in conflict management coaching practice. Pattie is a wonderful teacher who takes her students from knowing nothing about conflict management coaching to skilled, competent coaches. My learnings through this course were incredible because Pattie’s clear teaching style.
Andreea Nicolau, Prime Com Trade Network, Romania
Pattie was organized and so patient in getting the technical pieces of this training sorted out. I respect the depth of her knowledge and experience with the model and her willingness to share. She is also a wonderful trainer and kept the pace moving and all of us engaged. I could relax and focus on my learning because I knew Pattie had everything covered. She was equally adept and going into the weeds of the model as well as the philosophical underpinnings and core principles. I left the workshop with a solid understanding of the model and all of the practical tools to implement.
Thank you for a fantastic learning experience!
Jane Zakreski, Zakreski Coaching and Consulting, Canada
Pattie is remarkable. Her positive presence, really knowledgeable input and kind delivery is profoundly uplifting. I want to learn more from her. As a teacher for 40 years I was so impressed with her ability to fluidly use the technology, stay focused, be flexible and listen really strongly. Her deeply embodied belief in the work of conflict coaching comes across in every moment of the course. I learned so much from her and I would recommend this experience highly.
Sara Barnes, Director, Martha's Vineyard Mediation Program
This CINERGY conflict coaching course has enhanced my executive coaching skills by providing me with a simple and very effective model to use with clients in conflict. The online learning was engaging and dynamic, and Pattie was an excellent facilitator; knowledgeable about the topic and nimble with the technology. I obtained skills in every class that I was able to utilize immediately.
Gail Huang, Executive Coach, Newfoundland
Pattie was a great facilitator during this course. She was very engaging and supportive of everyone in the course. I found her easy to follow and some of the more difficult areas were made simple by her teaching ability. Great Course!!!
Rosalind Meador, Air Force Mediator, New Jersey
Patricia Porter is very effective in constructive feedback, encouraging, and insightful. She offered real content to help me through the process when I got stuck, let me figure out what I needed to do without jumping in, helped me keep moving through the process given the time frame. She is receptive to my questions; very positive and encouraging and provided tools that were not always obvious to me as the learner. Much appreciated!
Sunny Sussaman, FEMA ADR Specialist, Oregon
What did I value most? Everything! The materials were well organized and prepared; there was a good balance between "frontal" teaching, discussions, exercises and practice; the atmosphere was warm and very supportive of the learning; students were gently pushed to jump into the water and practice; the technical aspects of using Adobe were well mastered; Pattie was supportive and insightful also in the practice sessions.
Shiri Barr, Mind the Conflict, Israel
Pattie is a fabulous instructor, and conveys the course information in a way that is both informative and engaging. She uses the Adobe Platform well, and makes the experience very personal. I especially benefited from the coaching session outside of class time, and the valuable feedback she provided to me when I coached. I implemented her suggestions and improved my coaching performance in the second round thanks to her insights. I highly recommend this course!
Christine Whalen, Attorney, California
Pattie is very knowledgeable and caring educator and coach. Her upbeat personality is an inspiration. She left me feeling very knowledgeable and a caring educator and coach. She left me feeling I could learn this model and use it effectively in practice. Her pace was perfect, which kept me engaged in the process. Her use of differing teaching methods—lecture, discussion both in class and student peer-to-peer, coaching demonstrations, real plays where she was coached by students and students coached one another, outside class readings and activities, YouTube demonstration by Cinnie Noble, etc., helped me take in so much information is a very short amount of time. Pattie is very approachable. She makes herself very available to students and responds quickly to requests for information outside of class making me feel that she really is there for us as she promised.
I am grateful for this opportunity and it was worth every penny to me!
Toynia Smith, Senior Auditor, Kansas State University
The caliber of the instruction that Pattie Porter provided in the 10 week CINERGY Conflict Management Coaching program is some of the best I have experienced in 30 years of professional development. Her comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of conflict and the CINERGY model combined with her passion for helping others learn provided an outstanding educational experience.
Bette Watson-Borg Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Pattie is a fantastic trainer, coach, and person. Her passion for what she is doing shows in every class and her helpfulness and guidance to assist others to learn and apply this process is excellent. It has been my honor to meet her and be taught by her during this time. She made this an experience not likely to be forgotten soon. I appreciate the great work that she is doing and look forward to our continued friendship and work together as I seek certification.
Terry J. Blakeslee, Minister, Florida
Conflict Coaching offers a new opportunity/tool to help people resolve conflict effectively. Through the training, participants are offered an opportunity to see how their behavior creates conflict and to transfer it directly. As always, Pattie is excellent in her delivery and the training is a must for ADR practitioners."
Karey R. Barnes, MSPA, Director of Judicial Affairs, South Texas College
With no background in this field or any vaguely related area (mediation, counseling, etc), this is valuable information that can be used in any daily work/personal setting and not only in coaching situations. This would also help in different student situations/interactions. And of course, I do feel to some extent that I am able to coach myself/others and will improve with experience."
Elibark Nguma, Director of Student Activities, South Texas College
Past Participant Comments:
- Amazing mentor. She gave amazing feedback, non-judgmental, very helpful. Best mentoring I had so far.
- Pattie was a great trainer! The round robin she led on week 9 was one of my favourite classes.
- Pattie was off the charts as a mentor. Her insight was spot on, her suggestions were razor sharp, and her observations and feedback were practical and helpful. A+
- I liked the role plays with Pattie and the chance to work live with her during the sessions.
- Even if you remove all of the excellent tools Pattie used in the training, and just had Pattie in a room talking, it would still be an amazing transformative training.
- I really enjoyed using real plays instead of role plays. It made the training more authentic by working with real issues.
- I really enjoyed the training. It allowed me to explore situations in my life that have weighed on my mind. I can use the training to coach students.